报告题目:A general geometrical theory of turbine blade underplatform dampers 描述透平叶片缘板阻尼器动力学行为的一种通用几何理论
报告人:Muzio Gola 教授
主持人:吴亚光 副教授,范雨 副教授
A general geometric theory of underplatform dampers as a function of blade neck deflection and the resulting platform kinematics is proposed. In-plane treatment is compatible with Mode 1 blade vibration, in which the rigid-body platform rotation associated with pure neck bending largely predominates over other rotations. The method applies when the amplitude of platform vibrational rotation reaches at least (or is greater than) the minimum value required to have, at both ends of the forward and reverse half-cycles, the onset of full slip in the last contact element still in stick.
The objective is to present a general geometric theory for damper kinematics and damper-platform forces, for both the In-Phase and Out-of-Phase blade vibrations. The concept of equivalent virtual parallel geometry is introduced, which transforms a case with nonnegligible inclination between adjacent blades into one, more tractable, valid for a very large (ideally infinite) number of blades.
The concept of a force Base-Cycle is introduced for the contact forces. Base Cycles uniquely characterize a damper shape so that, once produced for a convenient Reference Case, they can be scaled linearly without recalculation.

Muzio Gola is Emeritus Professor in Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) of Politecnico di Torino. He was the vice president of Polito. His main research interest focus on the mechanical aspects of aircraft turbine engines, such as: vibration and damping of turbine blades, underplatform damper design theory and experiments, contact mechanics in friction and wear at high temperature, thermal transients and fatigue in aircraft engine bladed disks. He has published more than 200 papers and undertaken project funds of more than 4 million euros.